WDS Scholarships… why not?

Today I got an email from Chris Guillebeau (me and tens of thousands of other people, I’m sure. It was an email sent to all past World Domination Summit participants.)  It got me thinking about a project I’ve been working on, a little at a time, for a couple of years — an online training program to help people use their smartphones to shoot good, usable video stories.

This could really help a lot of people. Kathy and I have been holding workshops teaching this material to students, missionaries, humanitarians, activists, adventurers, writers… all sorts of people whose work depends on other people being connected to them in a regular and interactive way. One big reason I don’t have it done, frankly, is because I can’t pull myself away from paying gigs long enough to devote the time to really work on it.  A guy has to pay the mortgage you know.

So, I’m going to apply. But, I’m also going to try to convince my wife to apply so she can do some international work with her university students. And my daughters… I’ll try to get them to apply. Tori is scientist working on her PhD in coral conservation and saving coral reefs takes money.  Alex is preparing to go to Africa (or somewhere else that needs her) to work on development projects relating to food, poverty and education… that also is rather worthy.

The application deadline is April 15… two months away.  Let’s see if any of us make it!